Feil i MVA-beløp per MVA-sats

Publisert 02.11.2020, 10:41


[BR-CO-14]-Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = Σ VAT category tax amount (BT-117).
[BR-CO-17]-VAT category tax amount (BT-117) = VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) x (VAT category rate (BT-119) / 100), rounded to two decimals.
[BR-S-09]-The VAT category tax amount (BT-117) in a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) is «Standard rated» shall equal the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) multiplied by the VAT category rate (BT-119).

Hva betyr dette

MVA-beløpet per MVA-sats stemmer ikke med MVA-totalen.


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